Board Meeting 12th June, 2018:
Agenda and Minutes
- Eriaden
- Need a link to the excel sheet on the EIF Eriaden page so that the people who have booked can easily see.
- To do a promotion tomorrow 13th June and 19th June 11-12 next week.
- Midnattsloppet
- EIF LN board and Lasse Brosell have decided that we don’t need a tent this year as there are too few participants to motivate the cost of a tent.
- Liseberg
- The date is September 8th.
- EIF board plan to come
- Poang promenad för barn.
- Promotion for EIF clubs.
- Golfbokning
- Lasse is to do a temporary domain in orderto do Golf booking.
- Peter is doing a new Golf page which should be ready sometime next week.
- LImitation of 4 bookings per day per golf course.
- Maximum of 13 bookings.
- Would like each of the 3 Golf courses to have its own booking calender.
- Yoga equipment for the Autumn
Alma and Jeanette to do an email to board or Björn & Lena