Section Leader: Martin Tengklint
The running section arrange activities every year, but since the pandemic started it has not really been the same. In 2022 we had a running course with focus on injury free and efficient running technique. Things are almost back to normal, but the presence at office has declined and the lunch running groups are smaller than before. It’s time to change that now!
Planned Activities
- Lunch running
- Mondays at 11:00 outside the gym entrance (main driver: Darko Aleksic)
- Thursdays at 11:15 outside the gym entrance (main driver: Martin Tengklint)
- Varvetmilen 10km – April 15 (Approved for seeding for Göteborgsvarvet)
- Göteborgsvarvet 21km – May 13 (Ericsson LN Championship)
- Vårruset 2,5km, 5km and 10km – May 29
Ericsson LN Göteborgsvarvet 21km Championship
It’s not an official Ericsson half marathon championship this year, but we have chosen to make a local version for the Ericsson LN office. This year Ericsson will provide a race T-shirt so we can show that Ericsson is active and we can recognize each other. We will have two Ericsson tents where we can meet before and after the race. They are marked 71 and 72 on the map.

To be able to participate in the Ericsson LN Göteborgsvarvet 21km Championship you need to:
- Register yourself at Göteborgsvarvet –> Registration (register the receipt for friskvårdsbidraget at ericssonforme.com)
- Register to the Ericsson LN Championship
- Wear the Ericsson T-shirt at the race
Running Technique
Running is easy, fun and a good way to stay fit. Or is it? For many it’s easy and fun, but for others it’s hard work and often causes injuries. I have seen surveys where 80% of runners have experience a running injury during the last year. It does not have to be like that. Here are some tips to make running easy, fun and a good way to stay (or get) fit.
- Always warm up before you run and slow down before you stop.
- Do some stretches before and after the run.
- Start easy the first times and don’t add more than 10% distance per week.
- Listen to your body. If you listen to your body when it whispers, you don’t need to hear it shout!
- Find friends to run with, but beware so you don’t run too fast or too long compared to your state.
- Take a running course or a lesson if you want advice on your running technique.