In Wado Ryu karate section we have three Ericsson and three external practitioners. The number of practitioners has decreased, but the grade level has gone up and is quite high now: five brown belts (one first kyu, four second kyu) and one orange belt (fourth kyu). The instructor is sixth dan, there are only three masters at this level in Sweden within the Wado Ryu style.
We practice on Tuesdays at Ericsson, and have an opportunity to train on Mondays and Thursdays at Rambergsskolan (most of us do). Every half a year we have three longer training on a weekends: kata, fighting and grade rehearsal.
Our plans for a large punching bag in the training hall have not materialized because of the problems with space and storage. We are actively using the mat and thinking about getting a silicon dummy for beating.
Two times a year we provide an opportunity to try karate during two weeks free of charge.
Besides that there is a group of karatekas who practice Okinawa-style karate on Thursdays at 10 a.m. There are currently three of them; if you are interested to join, please contact Martin Paganini.