Iyengar Yoga classes @LN are held as term courses: one in the Spring and one in the Autumn(Fall) with an excellent and experienced Iyengar Yoga teacher. See YOGA Ericsson Spring 2025 for how to join. You are always welcome to come to a class and try it out.

We have an experienced and qualified Teacher in Shaylin Zare.

Bronze membership in Ericsson IF is required.
Participants of Iyengar Yoga are free to attend BodyBalance™ classes @LN.
Iyengar Yoga section contact(s):
Alma Lukacevic or
Jeanette Munro

What is Iyengar Yoga?

Close attention is paid to anatomical details and the alignment of each posture; Iyengar Yoga is the practice of precision. Poses are held for long periods giving your body and mind time to understand. This method is designed to systematically cultivate strength, flexibility, stability, and awareness, and can be therapeutic for specific conditions.

Iyengar stretches and strengthens your muscles, which in turn plays a big part in toning your body. Focus is on the body as a whole, rather than a chosen few larger muscle groups. Emphasis on alignment and posture has been proven to work wonders for people with neck and back pain, along with people who work jobs that involve a lot of sitting.

Props also play a role, such as belts, blocks, and blankets, as aids in performing asanas (postures). The props enable students to perform the asanas correctly, minimizing the risk of injury or strain, and making the postures accessible to both young and old.

Iyengar Yoga – more information: